Monday, November 10, 2008

Wow, 1 month already!

Dylan has been here for over a month now! I seriously can't believe it. He is starting to use his swings and bouncy chairs now. We are settling into a very nice routine that allows us to actually leave the house! Dylan is a great little buddy to run errands with!

We have had a very busy past couple of days. Lots of fun visitors and outings!

My friend Jen came to visit on her way home from LA. Jen and I met at WOW our first week of Cal Poly 9 years ago. I can't believe we're now old enough to be married with kids! Her son Rhett is a little over 11 weeks old and SO ADORABLE.

We took Dylan on a walk to my parents for dinner the other night. It's so cold now that we have to bundle him up! The adorable Giants themed blanket was knitted but my talented cousin Krissy.
Dylan's Great Grandma "Jama" and cousins Dominic & Savannah.

Dylan loves his baths! He doesn't play in them yet, but he really enjoys the warm water.

Here are some pictures I took of Dylan to document his 1 month birthday!


Coldani Family said...

Look at you, quite the photographer!
Even colorizing your own photos! I like it!

cassie said...

Awwwwwwwwwwww!! Precious - I love them all!