Monday, September 22, 2008

37 weeks down, 3 to go (hopefully)...

I can't believe this baby is due in 3 weeks! I have mixed emotions about it. I am so excited to hold him and see what he looks like, but there is still so much to do before he comes! And there is still that whole "birthing" process to deal with. Nick says he is tired of the waiting game and ready for Thor. I'm still feeling good, although starting to slow down. Sleeping is alright but getting a little more uncomfortable. I can't really complain though because the first 36 weeks were so great. :) I'm also starting to get "the line" below my belly button. So far it's pretty light. Hopefully it stays that way. And, thankfully the belly button is still an inny!!! At our appointment last week, the doctor estimated the baby's weight at 5lbs. We are both doing great!

Here are some updated belly pictures for this week. The bare belly one is for you Tara!

Here is what I can see. I have officially lost my feet...

Oh wait, there they are! I can see them when I lay down.

Bob says "hi" :)

I did some minor work in the nursery. I made the crib skirt and window valance. By "made" I mean glued some ribbon on to plain white pieces. I couldn't find anything I liked so I decided to go custom! The valance needs a new bar but the silver one works for now.

Last week Nick & I took a few days off and drove to Southern CA. My doctor said this is my last outing. :) My cousin and her family were visiting from Texas so we spent a few days with them. They have a 14 month old daughter named Rylee and she is the cutest thing EVER! She is learning to walk and toddles around like a drunk :) It is the cutest thing. I'll post some pictures when I get them. We also attending one of Nick's friend's weddings. Congratulations Nick & Robyn! It was great to visit with friends we don't get to see all that often.


Unknown said...

We can't wait to meet him, too! You two have done a beauiful job on the baby's room. And as to the whole birthing thing -- pish posh as YOU would say! You'll skate right thru it...

cassie said...

YAY - I love the pictures! You are so cute; the ones of your "view point" over your baby bump are hysterical. :)